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How to Join ESGR

Thank you for your interest in joining ESGR! 
Our Membership year covers the period from April 1 through March 31. If you join in the last four months of our member year (December - March), your membership will include the following member year.

Membership Types:
- INDIVIDUALS: $15. per person per year.
- ORGANIZATION: $15. one representative of a group or organization.
- HOUSEHOLD: $21. two people at the same address.
- LIFETIME: $300. per person, one time payment.
- AWARDED LIFE: $0. - notable service (see Bylaws for criteria). 
Additional donations are always welcome.

To join ESGR:
Please Contact Us by email, or send us an application by mail or in person.

By Email: 
Please use the Contact Us  form on our website. 
Provide us with your contact information: Name, mailing address, phone, and email address.
Provide us with any additional information about yourself that you are willing to share:
- Occupation, Are you retired, Research skills - beginner, intermediate, or advanced; 
- Other historical/genealogy related organizations you may belong to
- Genealogy research interests
- ESGR volunteer interests
Once we receive your information, we will register you on our website and then we will call or email you with instructions to pay online.  

By Mail:
Please download and print the membership application below and complete using the instructions on the form.  Please ensure all of your contact information is legible. In particular, we need an accurate email address.  Send the application with your check to the address below. Once we receive your new membership application, we will register you on our website and send you a welcome letter via email.  You will then begin receiving all of our member communications.  

Please Mail your check payable to:
The Erie Society for Genealogical Research
356 West 6th Street 
Erie, PA 16507-1245

In Person: 
We also have some opportunities to join in person.  This includes our annual Family History Fair and Community Days at the Hagen History Center.   

If you have any questions about joining ESGR, please Contact-Us.

Welcome to ESGR!  We look forward to seeing you soon. 


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