ESGR Educators Sue Mueller and Helen Shimek offer genealogy education classes through the Erie public library. They are open to the public and free of charge. Sue offers classes on a variety of genealogy topics. Helen offers classes about using DNA tools and methods in your genealogy research.
Genealogy - General Education Sue Mueller holds classes on the fourth Tuesday of the month at the Lincoln Community Center Library in Fairview., and via Zoom. While the sessions are free, the library asks that people planning to attend register online at the Lincoln Community Center Library or online at the Blasco Library events calendar. The meeting is open to the public. The library sends a Zoom link to those who register for each class. Sue prepares a lecture for each meeting with handouts. Participants are also welcome to bring their own questions. To register:
DNA Testing for Genealogy Research Helen Shimek helps participants understand how to use DNA testing for genealogical research. Presentations are geared towards researchers who have taken a commercial DNA test and want to develop a better knowledge of what the results can and cannot do, what tools are available to help in their efforts, and to learn of new developments released by the testing companies and third parties. Sessions are generally held monthly at 6:30pm in the Community Classroom of the Blasco Library. Check the calendar for specific dates and topics. Meetings are free and open to the public. No registration is necessary.